Auto Accidents | Grand Rapids Personal Injury Attorney

Auto accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including driver negligence, defective vehicle components, poorly maintained roads, or badly installed parts. Moreover, substandard medical care can sometimes aggravate the damage caused by the initial auto accident.  Do you know what to do if you have been injured in an auto accident?

If you've been injured in an auto accident caused at least in part by someone else's negligence or by a defective car product, you may be able to receive financial compensation. Compensation can help cover the costs you incurred for the medical care you required, for the wages that you have lost or may lose in the future as a result of the injury, as well as for your pain and suffering. Consulting with an experienced Grand Rapids accident attorney is the best way to assess your chances of receiving such compensation.

Even if you were partly responsible for the auto accident, you may still be able to recover compensation for the part played by others. While you are expected to limit the damage that you suffer, as much as you can (for example by getting the recommended medical treatment for your injuries), Michigan law does not bar you from seeking compensation in such situations.

As the injured party, in a case involving negligence you would be required to prove several things: that the other person or entity responsible failed to act as a reasonable person would have under the circumstances; that the other party's negligence was the cause of your injuries; and that you did suffer harm as a result of that party's negligence. You would need to collect evidence to back up your claim — enough to show that it is more likely than not that your version of each of the elements noted above is correct. You would also need to present evidence detailing the financial losses that you have suffered, and "translating" non-monetary losses (such as pain or loss of enjoyment caused by the injury) into financial terms.  Consulting a seasoned auto accident lawyer is a key component to receiving compensation from a car accident.

In some auto accident injury cases it can be difficult to determine precisely who was responsible for the car accident. In addition, the law might protect some parties, such as governmental agencies, from being sued. In almost all cases, disputes are likely to arise over the degrees of fault, the extent of the injuries, or the proper amount that would compensate one for pain and suffering. Consulting an experienced Grand Rapids Personal Injury Attorney about the particular facts of your case should help you pin down what roadblocks might arise on your path to recovery, and what evidence and arguments will have to be presented in order to surmount such roadblocks.

If someone you love was killed in a car accident, you may also have a claim for compensation for "wrongful death."

If you have any further questions or if you have been injured in an auto accident and would like to speak to one of our Grand Rapids Personal Injury Attorneys, please call us or contact us here.
